sawdust as fine aggregates

Use of Saw Dust as Fine Aggregate in Concrete Mixture

Key Words: Compressive strength, Concrete, Sawdust, Light weight concrete, Fine Aggregate. 1. INTRODUCTION Concrete is a mixture of cement, fine and coarse aggregates and water, which are mixed in a specific proportion to get a particular strength. Both cement and water react together chemically to form a paste, which binds the aggregate



concrete and to find the saw dust content required to attain maximum compressive strength. Adding saw dust to the mix by partially replacing fine aggregate to cast concrete specimens. The saw dust have to add by 10, 20 & 30 percentage of weight of the fine aggregates to compare with conventional concrete.


(PDF) Effect of Sawdust as Fine Aggregate in Concrete ...

Sawdust can be used as alternative substitute for fine aggregate in concrete production [8, 10]. Sawdust should be washed and cleaned before use as concrete constituent because of large amount of bark which can affect setting and hydration of cement.


(PDF) IRJET- Use of Saw Dust as Fine Aggregate in Concrete ...

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 05 Issue: 09 | Sep 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 Use of Saw Dust as Fine Aggregate in Concrete Mixture Mr. Tilak L.N1, Mr. Santhosh Kumar M.B1, Mr. Manvendra Singh2, Mr. Niranjan3 1Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, JSS Academy of Technical Education Noida., up, India.


Utilization of treated saw dust in concrete as partial ...

Saw dust was collected from the local wood factory. Coarser saw dust particles were removed by sieving through 4.75 mm sieve. Physical properties of coarse aggregate, river sand and saw dust were determined according to BIS 2386 (Part 3):1988 and are presented in Table 1.


Partial Replacement Of Sand With Sawdust In Concrete

Lack of availability of fine aggregates can be compensated. 4. MATERIALS & TESTS 4.1. Sawdust Sawdust is obtained from wood. The saw dust consist of chippings from various hardwoods. It was sundried and kept in waterproof bags .The sawdust is sieved through 1.18mm. Fig-1: Sawdust Table-1: Chemical characteristics of saw dust


Saw Dust Ash as Partial Replacement for Cement in Concrete

Saw dust ash, Pozzolan, Workability, Compressive strength Keywords this research considered the use of saw dust ash as a pozzolan in the pro- ... Sawdust ash Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate Water Control 21.48 0 42.96 85.92 10.74 0.50 SDA-5 20.41 1.074 42.96 85.92 10.74 0.50


Partial Replacement of Saw Dust Ash and Coal Dust by Fine ...

hence, the saw dust ash and coal dust as fine aggregate decreases the value for modulus of elasticity; 5) The use of saw dust ash and coal dust as an alternative fine aggregate decreases the amount of material cost for concrete due to replaced aggregate.; 6) There is a …


What Is Fine Aggregate | Types of Fine Aggregates ...

Fine aggregates are essentially any natural sand particles won from the land through the mining process. Fine aggregates consist of natural sand or any crushed stone particles that are ¼" or smaller.This product is often referred to as 1/4'" minus as it refers to the size, or grading, of this particular aggregate.


Philippine EJournals| Sawdust as an Alternative Material ...

The study determined the strength of concrete mixture with sand and concrete mixture with sawdust in three different curing periods; 7 days, 16 days and 28 days. Experimental method was used by the researchers for it examined and investigated the possibility of using sawdust as a fine aggregate in concrete mixture with both mixtures categorized ...



The cost of construction has been on the increase which has become a concern to both individuals and government of especially developing countries, and that is why this study is aimed at using available cheap materials (sawdust) in concrete production. Concrete mix ratio of 1:2:4 was used and replaced with fine aggregate at 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% with soligum treated sawdust.


Investigating the acceptable quantity of fine aggregate to ...

The study was an experimental study on hollow concrete blocks in a partial replacement of fine aggregate with sawdust in different proportion. The amount and kind of cement was constant, but the quantity of sawdust, aggregate and water was varied. The study was conducted in different steps. ...


alternatives for sand as fine aggregate

Dec 01, 2016· Mageswari and Vidivelli (2009) reported, that as a substitution material for natural sand, sawdust ash might be the right choice as fine aggregate in concrete. It can considerably reduce the dumping problem and simultaneously helps the preservation of natural fine aggregate. Get Price.



This experimental study is aimed to create a concrete mixture consisting of sawdust which replaces the fine aggregate. It is also used to analyze the effect of sawdust concrete in terms of ...


CiteSeerX — Effect of Sawdust as Fine Aggregate in ...

Abstract. This experimental study aimed to develop an acceptable concrete mixture with sawdust particles as substitute to fine aggregate that can be used for building construction particularly in residential class concrete slab and analyze the effect of sawdust concrete mixture in terms of adhesion of aggregates, thermal insulation, workability and surface quality.



Figure 2.5 Grading limits for fine aggregate 13 Figure 2.6 Coarse Sawdust 16 Figure 2.7 Fine Sawdust 16 Figure 2.8 Wood Shaving 17 Figure 2.9 Amount of polluted rivers in Malaysia from 2005 to 2012 18 Figure 2.10 Destructive of a river from sand mining 18 Figure 2.11 Environmental Pollution 19 Figure 3.1 Portland cement 22



Abstract. This experimental study is aimed to create a concrete mixture consisting of sawdust which replaces the fine aggregate. It is also used to analyze the effect of sawdust concrete in terms ...


Evaluation of the performance of eco-friendly lightweight ...

incorporating sawdust wastes and laterite Adebayo Olatunbosun Sojobi1,2* Abstract: This research investigates the performance of sawdust wastes and laterite as an alternative lightweight fine aggregate and cementitious material respectively in eco-friendly lightweight interlocking concrete paving units (ICPU) using a mix ratio of 1:2:4.



the fine aggregate. It is also used to analyze the effect of sawdust concrete in terms of workability, adhesion of aggregates and etc. After preparing the concrete block, the difference in weight between the original concrete and the sawdust concrete block is also tested. The sawdust is mixed in definite proportions with the concrete.


Effect of Replacement of Fine and Coarse Aggregate by ...

Uses of saw dust in concrete The rising costs of building construction in developing countries have been a source of concern to government and private developers. This study investigated the use of sawdust as partial replacement for fine aggregates in concrete production. Sawdust was used to replace fine aggregates from 0% to 50% in steps of 10%.


Tilak, L.N., Santhosh Kumar, M.B., Manvendra, S. and ...

Tilak, L.N., Santhosh Kumar, M.B., Manvendra, S. and Niranjan (2018) Use of Saw Dust as Fine Aggregate in Concrete Mixture. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 5, 1249-1253. has been cited by the following article:


[PDF] Effect of Sawdust as Fine Aggregate in Concrete ...

This experimental study aimed to develop an acceptable concrete mixture with sawdust particles as substitute to fine aggregate that can be used for building construction particularly in residential class concrete slab and analyze the effect of sawdust concrete mixture in terms of adhesion of aggregates, thermal insulation, workability and surface quality.


Study of brick mortar using sawdust as partial replacement ...

fine aggregate. Sawdust obtained from a saw-milling company was also used as partial replacement for the fine aggregates. Standard brick mortar with a mix design ratio of 1:3 (cement: sand) and w/c ratio of 0.55 was prepared for the experiment. The fine aggregate was partially replaced with the sawdust…


Experimental Research of Saw Dust as Partial Replacement ...

sandcrete blocks were produced in percentage by weighting the fine aggregate and sawdust as partial replacement in fine aggregate for sandcrete blocks in 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% respectively. Ranging from 0% to 20% replacement for fine aggregate and saw dust. The specimens were made in accordance with Nigeria Building codespecifications.


Mechanical Properties of Concrete Incorporating Pre ...

This paper investigates the effect of using wastes sawdust as a replacement of fine aggregate (sand) on mechanical properties naming compressive, tensile and flexural strengths of ordinary Portland concrete. The wastes sawdust was treated before incorporating it in concrete mixtures. Three different methods were used to pre-treat the sawdust including a) soaking the sawdust in distilled water ...


Mechanical and physical properties of mortar of partially ...

Drying shrinkage of 1000 microns at 28 days' age can be easily passed by mortar mixes with high sawdust content of above 30%. This study proves that the fine aggregates replacement with sawdust in mortar brings many disadvantages; however, …


Combined Effects of Sawdust & Building Rubbles Aggregate ...

Most of building rubbles or wastes contain some damaged materials such as cement, brick, steel, ceramic, plastic and other substances. Among these materials, ceramic and brick when using both of them as a partial replacement by the weight of conventional coarse aggregate in mixture concrete with presence of variety ratios ( 10% to 30%) for sawdust as replacement of fine aggregate, the ...


saw dust as fine aggregate in concrete

sawdust, recycled aggregate and brickbats as a partial replacement for cement and ..... Hence, saw dust may be considered as fine aggregate in concrete. >>Get More Details.


Property Characterization of Plaster Mortar Utilizing ...

Fine aggregates The fine aggregates in this study is the commercially available sand used in general construction and sawdust that is procured locally from the Cavite area and is sieved first by the no. 8 sieve before mixing into the plaster mix proportion. These fine aggregates were subjected to fine aggregate quality testing prior to mixing ...


Investigation of Properties of Concrete Using Sawdust as ...

The percentage replacements of fine aggregates by sawdust were varied from 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and .This was done to determine the optimum percentage that would give the most favorable result. However, dry mix method was used for concrete constituent before the addition of water.
