mauritius telephone number

Phone Book of Mauritius +230 by Phonebook of the World

number: --- ----(always 7 digits) (in 2003 Mauritius had 350 000 Land Lines) mobile: numbers start with 49xxxxx or 7xxxxxx or 9Ixxxxx (in 2003 Mauritius had 450 000 Mobile Lines) international calls international prefix: 00 example: calling from Mauritius to France 00 33 I 422I IIII II rue des IIaIIes PARIS Ier phonesystem regulated by ICTA ...


Phonebook, Mauritius Yellow Pages, Email Address

How to Call Port Louis, Mauritius. From USA dial: 011 + 230 + 202 + phone number. From abroad dial: exit code + 230 + 202 + local number. Exit Code is the 2 to 3 digit prefix needed to dial out from a country, when calling internationally. Mauritius Phone books gives you access to people lookup, business yellow book and reverse email lookup in ...


Contact us | Mauritius

Contact us. In Mauritius, Shell products and services are provided by Vivo Energy, a licensee of the Shell brand. Vivo Energy Mauritius. Cemetery Road. Roche Bois. Mauritius. Phone: + 230 206 1234. Customer Service: + 230 206 1111. For customer service and enquiries, email CustomerServiceMauritius@vivoenergy.


Mauritius Real Estate Agency | Rawson Property Group

From our first office in Cape Town in 1982 to over 200 Franchises in South Africa and beyond, we’ve helped thousands of families buy and sell their homes. Three decades on, we’re still on a mission to make buying and selling a simpler, easier experience for our clients.


Republic of Mauritius- Contact Us

Phone No. +(230) Fax No. +(230) Email Address: Postal Address: Government Online Centre Support: 5258 7631, 5258 8172, 5259 7580, 5944 7238 : 466 - 9840 [email protected]: 5 Th Floor, Wing B, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee Tower, E bene Cybercity 72201 Prime Minister's Office, Home Affairs, External Communications and National Development Unit


SearchMobileNumber - Mobile Number Location Finder.

Search Phone Number. Firstly, identify the number's country code. You can select from the drop down menu next to the search box. Secondly, key in the phone number and press 'Search'. You will be directed to a new page showing the results consisting of the type of number (fixed line or mobile), carrier, location and time zone.


Buy Mauritius Toll Free and Local Mauritius Phone Numbers

Mauritius Phone Numbers. Buy Mauritius toll free and local Mauritius phone numbers. Answer calls anywhere worldwide. Or alternatively choose from over 145 other countries and 7,500 cities.


iShop by LEAL - Your Apple Specialist in Mauritius

Monday – Thursday: 10.00am – 8.00pm Friday & Saturday: 10.00am – 10.00pm Sunday & Public Holidays: 10.00am – 3.00pm


Mauritius Business Directory - List of Companies in Mauritius

Business Directory Mauritius, List of Companies in Mauritius with Contact Details, Addresses. Mauritius Companies, Mauritius Directory Listing.


Mauritius Phone Number Lookup

Mauritius's GDP is 11,900,000,000. In addition, the land area of Mauritius totals 2,040 km2. The phone code prefix for Mauritius is 230. There are also 51,139 internet hosts in the country. Approximately 290,000 internet users reside in Mauritius. Mauritius phone lines include 1,485,000 mobile phones.


Hotel Amenities & Contact Information | The Westin Turtle ...

The Retreat Bar is an ideal spot to relax and reflect in Mauritius over one of our signatures cocktail. Enjoy our famous Rum O'Clock Specials to taste the best of Mauritius . After dark, The Retreat takes on a smooth jazzy BossaNova vibe. Dress code: Casual Phone: +230 204 1400


Mauritius Reverse Lookup 230, Phone Number Search

Mauritius Phone Numbers Enter Mauritian country code 230 + area code and local number. Search for people in Mauritius, area codes list, major cities.


Fake Mauritius (+230) Phone Numbers - Random Phone Number ...

Mauritius Fake phone numbers are starting 57-59 and country code of Mauritius is +230. Mauritius Fake phone numbers are recommended for drama use, such as those involving TV shows and radio entertainment, however you can also use our random phone numbers when providing documented examples on websites or in printed literature.


Yellow Pages - Mauritius Local Business Search

An E-zine in English and French providing editorial and general information about Mauritius on a wide range of subjects for a local and international audience. Read. Agriculture, Fishing And Forestry. Automotive. Business And Professional Services. Clothing And Accessories. Computers, Communications And Electronics. Construction And Renovation.


How to call Mauritius: country code, area codes, phone books

Calling Mauritius from the United States explained: 011 - international access code; dial first when calling abroad from the US or Canada. 230 - Country Code for Mauritius. Phone Number : landlines/VoIP numbers - 7 digits. cell phones - 8 digits, initial digit is 5.


beSafeMoris – Raising awareness for a safer Mauritius

Avec l'aide de la Mauritius Telecom, une nouvelle fonctionnalité a été ajouté à l'application mobile « BeSafeMoris ».La fonction « Vaccination Program » permet à chaque citoyen, qui a déja été inoculé d'une première dose de vaccin April 10, 2021 All Videos.


Phone Number Validation: Verify Numbers in 3 Seconds

Step #1: Enter the number you wish to validate and select the country of provenance. Click on the "Validate Number" button to instantly validate the phone number. Step #2: The 'Main Info' section displays information about the number's country, type and the carrier. From the 'Format' section, you can view E164, RFC3966 ...


Mauritius Virtual Phone Numbers | Buy Mauritius Virtual ...

Mauritius Virtual Phone Numbers Having virtual phone number for Mauritius you could use telephony services for big time. IP telephony is like big 8 handed octopus that stretched to every world corner. Now it reached fairy pearl of Indian Ocean called Mauritius. Freezvon proposes various virtual numbers and plentiful additional services for this country.


Telephone numbers in Mauritius - Wikipedia

68 Mauritius's GDP is 11,900,000,000. In addition, the land area of Mauritius totals 2,040 km2. …


Mauritius - Area Phone Codes

Fixed phone numbers in Mauritius are comprised of a single country code (+230), a 1-2 digit area code, and a 50-70 digit line code. Making a call with the wrong country, area, or region code can be costly. Browse our sites area and region codes by region and city to …


Mauritius Virtual Phone Numbers // Buy Mauritius Virtual ...

Get a Mauritius virtual phone number and forward calls to any location worldwide. Your Mauritius VoIP number comes with no setup fees or minimum contracts.In addition, when you buy Mauritius phone numbers from AVOXI, you get 20+ business features like IVR, advanced call forwarding, custom caller ID, and many more at no additional cost. You can view call analytics, add new users, create IVR ...


Contact Us - Mauritius

Mauritius Prison Service Subramanien Bharati Road Beau Bassin Phone: (230) 401 6600 ... Telephone No. Fax No. ...


Mauritius Telecom

Broadband, phone lines and digital TV for Mauritian homes. Data, IP, cloud and voice services and equipment for businesses locally and around the world.


ICT Authority - Telecommunications - Access Numbers For ...

526x-xxxx. Cellplus Mobile Communications Ltd. 527x-xxxx. Mahanagar Telephone (Mauritius) Ltd. 543x-xxxx. Emtel Ltd. 545x-xxxx. Emtel Ltd. 546x-xxxx.


Contact Us - Mauritius

Tel Number Goodlands 1st Floor NPF Building, Royal Road, Goodlands 283 1501 Grand Gaube 1st Floor, NPF, Grand Gau be 288 7835: Grand Bay La Croisette, Grand Bay 269 6265 Rivière du Rempart Royal Road, Rivière du Rempart 412 8393 Piton 1st Floor, …


Contact us | Mauritius Housing Company Ltd

MHC Building Révérend Jean Lebrun Street P.O Box 478 Port Louis Mauritius. Tel: 405 5555 Fax : 212 3325. E-mail : [email protected]


Contact Us - Mauritius

Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change. ken Lee Tower. Port-Louis. Tel: +(230) 203 6200 . Email: moesd @govmu


Mauritius phone number search - site-stats

Phone Book of Mauritius +230 by Phonebook of the World number: --- ----(always 7 digits) (in 2003 Mauritius had 350 000 Land Lines) mobile: numbers start with 49xxxxx or 7xxxxxx or 9Ixxxxx (in 2003 Mauritius had 450 000 Mobile Lines) international calls international prefix: 00 example: calling from Mauritius to France 00 33 I 422I IIII II rue des IIaIIes PARIS Ier phonesystem ...


Contact Us – Mauritius Police Force

Contact Us. Hotline. Directline – 999 / 112. Police Exchange – 208 12 12. Police Information – 468 00 34. & Operation Room – 468 00 35. Hotline – 148. Police Information & Operations Room. 208 0034.


Phone Codes for Mauritius - Full list of Mauritius dialing ...

To call Mauritius simply dial your exit country code, the Mauritius country code and the area phone code shown below, all before your local number. Once you've made your call, remember; Rebtel use the highest quality, real phone lines with great value rates at the cheapest prices. Our rate to Mauritius is only 15.6¢ per minute, presenting ...
